Finally felt brave enough to separate the babies from mama leaves of Silverglade Ribbons. Potted up 6 babies (with two extras in the same cup... as insurance in case of any fatalities). Once all are well established and growing, I plan to offer 2 or 3 for trading or RR boxes.
Two leaves Silverglade Ribbons with lots of babies. Grown in 2 oz souffle cup with drainage holes
Babies in their new homes. Medicine dispense cups and small 1 oz plastic cups. Cups placed in covered pie pan to help hold humidity. Wet tissue added.
Set two leaves of Anastasia and two of a mis-labeled AV, still waiting for blooms to assist in identification.
Big Box store will be getting a shipment of AV's next week. Can hardly wait. Hoping to find two or three that I want to rescue. These will live in the master bathroom in quarantine.